Tuesday, June 30, 2015

NYC Week One

This week marks 125 days until the NYC Marathon, until Elyce and I wait in anticipation for that gun to go off, knowing that the next 26.2 miles are in front of us, the final 26.2 miles of a long road of training. 125 days. That seems both like a long and short amount of time. Everything about this training is going to be different from the past five years of training. Everything about this race is different. All other races, I’ve done for me, with the sole purpose of getting ME across that finish line. Now, this next 125 days is for Deacon, my sweet little nephew we lost 5 months ago. Every mile I run is for him, all I will be able to think about is him.
I have no idea what the next 125 days are going to be like. I know there will be ups and downs, days I am stoked to get out there, and days that I’m dragging to lace up my sneaks. But I’ll do it, because for every mile I DON’T run, I’m only cheating myself. To be the best I can be, I need to have focus. I’m thankful my work schedule is flexible to my running for the next 5 ½ months. That everything about my life is going to be focused. No more having to plan runs around my 15 hour Saturday’s working football, no more not being able to run because I had to work late, or because something came up. Focus is going to be the theme of this training season.
Week one is light, I start running on Thursday with a 3 mile, then the weekend includes a 3 mile and 4 mile. The first five weeks of the schedule is fairly light, I don’t start speed and tempo workouts until the first week in August. I’m excited to use this new plan, the Hanson’s Marathon Method. It’s different, but I was reading the book and it seems like a perfect fit for what I am looking for. It’s going to be tough, and I am going to push my limits, but hopefully it will be the perfect fit for this race.
So, here we go, thanks for following me on this 18 week journey!

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